Port Erin Baths
Traie Meanagh (sometimes Menagh) was an outdoor pool in Port Erin
Port Erin Baths were a very popular destination from the early 1900’s to mid 1970’s. The mixed pool has been used for many Edwardian postcards over the years. People from all over the island to travel to visit the open air pool, swimming galas were held weekly to keep users entertained.
“A Mr Marshall had been manager before I started there, then Mr Condra when I started in 1955.
By the time I had qualified as a PE teacher Mrs Joan Shimmin had been manageress and I finished my last season in 1961 as temporary season manager.
Galas were held every Wednesday with short speed swimming events and fun events like egg and spoon and balloon races. Leslie Watterson, foreman of Port Erin commissioners, did the announcing and setting up.
Part of my job was to encourage daily visitors to enter the weekly competitions, including looking for prospective entrants for the bathing beauty competitions. Hotels were encouraged to enter and the Squadron Cup was up for weekly competition by hotel teams. I well remember Mr Hoyle, the entertainments manager at the Balqueen Hotel, bringing a team over every week from Port St Mary.
Cash prizes were offered in the form of vouchers worth five shillings which could be spent on any goods in shops in Port Erin.
The bathing beauties got three guineas, two guineas and one guinea respectively.”
Brian King
“The pool was very popular with those among the local youth who were hardened to the cold water.”